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Term 1

This term:

This term- 

In Literacy: 

We are looking at the book - ‘Lulu’s Nana Visits by Anna McQuinn’. 

We are starting our Sounds-Write journey where we are learning to recognise letter sounds and blend and segment these to read and write words.

We are also practising recognising and writing our own names.

In Mathematics:

In class, we will be looking at numbers all around us and becoming more familiar with number recognition and number formation. During many activities, including structured play, we will be counting everything and anything! We will start the term by exploring spatial reasoning construction and 3D shapes. We will then move on to explore the composition of the numbers 1 to 3. We will be encouraging the children to subitise numbers to 3; recognising amounts of objects without counting. We will also be connecting quantities and numbers to finger patterns and exploring different ways of representing numbers on our fingers.

Look what we've been up to in Owls Class 

Week 1 - 

This week has been a very exciting week for Owl’s class as we have had our first days in school. We have enjoyed exploring our new classroom and meeting some new friends. We are so impressed with how well the children have settled. At the start of the week the adults thoroughly enjoyed visiting the children in their homes and getting to see all of their toys. We thank all parents for being so welcoming as we feel this is such a good experience for the children.

Week 2 -

Owls class have had a wonderful start to school and continue to amaze us with how brilliantly they have settled in. We couldn’t be more proud! This week we have had our first SoundsWrite lessons. The children have taken to it beautifully and we have seen some remarkable phonics and pen skills already. We have been exploring numbers with counting songs and rhymes and have met some of the number blocks. We have had a mysterious visitor to our class overnight... dinosaur footprints appeared around the snack table and CCTV footage shows a little dinosaur in our classroom making a bit of a mess. So we have used our detective skills to figure out what happened and launched our term’s topic of ‘Dinosaurs’ to the absolute delight of the children. Our story of The Hugosaurus has also led to some discussions about kindness as one of school values. Miss Stephens, Mrs Pepler, Miss Kellow, Miss Head and Miss Hoskins are really enjoying getting to know our new Owls Class.

Week 3 - 

This week in Owls class it has been lovely having all of the children at school all day every day! We have shared our first reading book with the adults and our grownups at home. We have been trying hard with our story telling and expanding our imaginations and are excited to get our first Sounds-Write book on Monday. In Literacy, we have been practising to write our names and hold our pencils correctly. In Expressive Arts and Design, we used our fine motor skills to paint and peg on spikes for a paper plate dinosaur, which are now hanging up above our home corner. In PE, we practised different ways of travelling around by running, jumping, hoping by playing the princess game

Week 4 - 

Owls class have had a special visitor this week – Mr George came to play his guitar for them. There were lots of smiles all round. We have begun a new literacy scheme this week and have been starting to look at the story ‘Lulu’s Nana Visits’ by Anna McQuinn. The children have been exploring the character of Lulu and have offered some wonderful responses to the pictures in the book. They have been so insightful inferring details from the pictures to build predictions about characters and story. In maths, the children have been focusing on directional and positional language. We went on a quest to the pirate ship and have made our own maps. The house points have started flowing – Keep up the good work Owls!

Week 5 - 

This week in Literacy we have been continuing to look at the story ‘Lulu’s Nana Visits’. We have been discussing the similarities and differences between two of the characters. We have also talked about giving and receiving gifts. The children then made a bracelet to give to a friend as a gift. In Maths, we have been looking at repeating patterns and being able to recognise and name 2D shapes. We printed repeating patterns with shapes as well as made them with our toys. In PE, we started our Jasmine Scheme where we pretended to ride around on bikes. We were very impressed with how quickly and independently the children got changed into their PE kits. We are still working on getting back into our uniform!

Week 6 - 

It’s been a very busy week here in Owls class. We have been subitising our numbers one and two as we begin our number sense scheme of work. The children continue to work hard with the sounds write practise. We have had lots of story times. In literacy, our lovely Owls have created their very own class poem about their favourite things as we continue our exploration of our book ‘Lulu’s Nana visits’. Mrs Pepler brought in some African artefacts linked to Tanzania including an ostrich egg and a Tinga Tinga piece if pottery. The children have been making their own Tinga Tinga artwork which has been really beautiful. We have some very talented artists in our class! They have created their own leaf crowns which have come in to play with our dressing up which they have really enjoyed