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- Personal, Social, Health and Economics (PSHE) Education and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
Personal, Social, Health and Economics (PSHE) Education and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
In PSHE&C, we aim to equip pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills to help them make responsible and well informed decisions about their lives. The PSHE&C programme supports and helps the pupils in their physical, social, emotional and moral development.
Sex education is covered both within this area and science. Drug and alcohol awareness is also included.
Sex Education is taught at Key Stage 2 as part of the National Curriculum for Science, through the study unit Life Processes and Living Things. It is also taught as an identifiable part of PSHE (re-designated as Sex and Relationships Education by the government from Sep 2020)
Our aims are:
¨ to provide a happy, caring environment in order that the children develop a good positive self-image and to help them develop self-confidence, self-motivation and self-discipline.
¨ to help children to recognise that they are responsible for their own bodies.
¨ to provide knowledge about the processes of reproduction and the nature of sexuality and relationships.
¨ to help children understand their own physical, emotional and social development within the context of those around them and society at large (with all its cultural variations), in order that they become equipped to manage relationships in a responsible and healthy manner.
¨ to develop communication and decision making skills.
¨ to provide a Sex Education programme, which is designed to be appropriate to the children’s age and experience and which is presented in such a way to encourage exploration of values and moral issues.
Pupils in Yr 5 and Yr 6 are taught about human reproduction. Parents and carers, who have the right to remove their child from Sex Education lessons, are consulted prior to this work being taught in class. If a child is withdrawn from Sex Education lessons an alternative Health Education programme will be provided.