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Term 2

Welcome back! We hope that you have all had a very restful and enjoyable half term. We have had a brilliant start to the year and we are all very much looking forward to another busy and exciting term.



Our units of work this term are centred on two main areas of learning; we are starting by travelling back to 1939 when war was declared. We will be focusing on life on the Home Front and, in particular, what life was like for children during World War Two. We will be using a range of primary and secondary sources and using role-play to develop our understanding of the past.

We shall then be directing our learning towards a science unit, looking into light. The children will be investigating how light travels and which materials are translucent or opaque. We will also be designing and carrying out scientific investigations.

Please see the separate ‘Pick and Mix’ homework letter for the termly homework choices.

Home learning tasks are designed to support and reinforce essential learning and provide opportunities for you and your children to share learning experiences. Completion of tasks will be monitored and celebrated. Please ensure that the children’s homework diaries are checked, signed and filled in to indicate when they have done home learning including reading.