Term 6
This term:
In English we are looking at the text:
- Dogger
We will look at narrative using the Talk for Writing approach and concentrate in more detail on grammar and punctuation.
In Mathematics:
This term we will all be looking at Measures. These are Capacity and Volume and Weight and Mass.
Year 2- Statistics and consolidation.
Year 1- Addition and subtraction to 20, Place Value to 50 and 100.
Our overall topic this term will continue to be ‘The Seaside’
Foundation Subjects:
This term we are covering the subjects; Science, Geography, DT, Religious Education (RE), Music, PE, PSHE and Computing.
In Geography, we will be identifying some seaside towns and developing our knowledge of the countries that are part of the United Kingdom and their capital cities.
In Science, we will continue our work around ‘Living things and their Habitats’.
In D.T, we are looking mechanisms and will be exploring linkages to create a moving monster.
In RE, we are looking at the question ‘Why is God important for Muslims?’
In Music, we are looking at exploring sounds and performance through the topics of ‘Seasons’ and ‘Animals’.
In Computing, we are focusing on ‘Pictograms’
In Physical Education (PE), we are looking at Athletic skills such as running, jumping and throwing and preparing for Sports Day.
In PSHE, our work will be based around the topic ‘Changing Me’.