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Term 3


This term, we will be learning all about Castles! To begin, we will discover what Mediaeval England was like. Following this, we will be exploring castles – looking at three different types of castles, recognising similarities and differences whilst being able to label a castle’s key features. We will identify famous UK castles and be able to annotate their locations on a map. Following this, we will be learning all about William the Conqueror, who he was and why he was significant. Finally, we will be ending this topic by creating a piece of annotated artwork, to demonstrate our knowledge.


In English, we will be reading The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. We will immerse ourselves into the lives of the Post service, exploring fairy tales that arise within the story. We will have opportunities to write for different purposes such as; story-telling, book making, writing in role and letter writing.


In Maths, we will continue to develop our knowledge of place value to 100, learning how to partition and flexibly partition two-digit numbers within whilst incorporating this into our understanding of addition and subtraction. We will be able to recall one more and one less than any given number within 100 and compare two numbers using inequality symbols and language of greater than and less than. Finally, we will end this term exploring 2D and 3D shapes and their properties.


Year 1/2 Showcase – this term we will be presenting our learning so far in the form of a showcase. Please take the time to practise the children’s lines at home.


We have been creating artwork 

inspired by Jasper Johns.