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Admissions Arrangements 2026/27 Consultation


Admissions Consultation

Schools have a legal requirement to consult on admissions arrangements should any changes be recommended or when they have not been consulted in seven years. Our admissions arrangements are due to be consulted on this year, for pupils applying for places for the academic year beginning September 2026 and thereafter. The consultation will run for 8 weeks from 14 October 2024 until 8 December 2024.

Admission arrangements clearly set out how children will be admitted to schools, including the criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places at the school.

The sole change being recommended to our arrangements is that we move ‘children of staff at the school’ from point 6 to point 4. This would rank it above new families to the school that are in the catchment area, but would not impact families currently at the school who are in catchment.


Paxcroft Primary School Draft Admissions Arrangements 2026/27

Draft Admissions Arrangements 2026/27 - see attachment

DFE Admissions Code -


Your Views & Questions

We are happy to answer any questions you may have and would welcome your views on our consultation. Please contact us at


Next Steps

After the consultation period, we will consider all responses and discuss these with our Full Governing Board.